Maria Sharapova joins Twitter, blushes when asked about new boyfriend

How did the four-time Grand Slam winner dip her toes into the Twitter waters? By subtly referencing her upscale line of candy[1], of course:

Your ultimate sugarmama has arrived #myfirsttweet

The tweet was accompanied by a photo of Sharapova mimicking a painted silhouette of a young girl blowing bubbles.

Sharapova has a dry sense of humor that would play well on Twitter, but unless she’s getting the nudge from members of her business team, I wouldn’t expect her to be super-tweeter like her tennis nemesis, @serenawilliams[2].

In other Sharapova news, she visited ESPN’s set following her double bagel of Olga Puchkova. Host Chris Fowler took the opportunity to ask a relaxed Maria whether she heard the first-round score of rumored boyfriend Grigor Dimitrov. (He lost.)The question drew instant giggles from Sharapova, turned her face the color of her “cheeky” gummy candy and elicited a playfully defensive, “come on, I’m not saying anything.”

That says everything Maria!


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