Barge floats away, strikes 3 waterfront homes in Gig Harbor


A barge struck three house on the Gig Harbor waterfront on Monday morning.

Courtesy of Gig Harbor Fire DepartmentShow MoreShow Less 2of6

A barge struck three house on the Gig Harbor waterfront on Monday morning.

Courtesy of Gig Harbor Fire DepartmentShow MoreShow Less 3of6 4of6

A barge struck three house on the Gig Harbor waterfront on Monday morning.

Courtesy of Gig Harbor Fire DepartmentShow MoreShow Less 5of6

A barge struck three house on the Gig Harbor waterfront on Monday morning.

Courtesy of Gig Harbor Fire DepartmentShow MoreShow Less 6of6

An empty runaway barge smashed into three waterfront homes Monday in Gig Harbor, according to officials.

At about

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