‘Winter in Sokcho’ Review: A Small Town Woman Fixates on a Visiting Artist in Koya Kamura’s Thoughtful Adaptation

Seeing oneself through someone else’s eyes can be illuminating, but it can also be quite intoxicating — especially when said eyes belong to an artist eager to look at everything around him as fodder for his own artmaking. Koya Kamura’s “Winter in Sokcho” (an adaptation of Elisa Shua Dusapin’s novel by the same name) stages that very tension between a French-Korean young woman and an older French illustrator. The two forge an odd kinship that is as tenuous as it is enticing and which proves, throughout Kamura’s wistful twinned portrait of alienation, hard to maintain and harder still to understand.

The life Soo-Ha (Bella Kim) finds herself living in

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