Why Karlovy Vary Winner Mark Cousins, Tilda Swinton Are ‘On Fire’ for Painter Wilhelmina Barns-Graham: ‘She Was an Unstoppable Life Force’

Everybody loves painter Wilhelmina Barns-Graham, including Tilda Swinton.

“I messaged her a while ago, saying I was making this film. She said: ‘I’m on fire for Willie,’” Mark Cousins, director of biographical documentary “A Sudden Glimpse to Deeper Things,” tells Variety.

“Willie didn’t live a dramatic life, she wasn’t going to fancy parties. Then there was the sexism of the art world and agism. She changed her style, too, and the art world doesn’t like that. The film world doesn’t like that either. It wants a Hitchcock film to be like a Hitchcock film.”

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