‘Tyler Perry’s Duplicity’ Review: Bizarro Police Shooting Drama Mixed Up About Its Own Motives

Soap opera-like in delivery, yet emotionally sanitized, Tyler Perry’s Prime drama “Duplicity” is a languorous affair. It’s a strange-looking, odd-feeling film that gestures toward mystery and larger conspiracy, but it seldom pulls on these threads. Instead, it ends up an anodyne political drama that says little of note.

At the movie’s center are two Black women, successful lawyer Marley Wells (Kat Graham) and TV news anchor Fela Blackburn (Meagan Tandy), who become bound by the police slaying of the former’s brother and latter’s boyfriend, Rodney (Joshua Adeyeye), an unarmed man jogging in an affluent neighborhood. The circumstances around how the police ended up in Rodney’s location are suspicious —

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