Tribeca, Guadalajara, Tallinn, Rio, Sanfic Execs Map Out How Festivals Are Evolving in a Post-Pandemic Context (EXCLUSIVE)  

SANTIAGO, Chile — This is the age of turbulence and film festivals are not immune. Decimated in many cases by public-sector cuts or COVID-19, they haven’t stopped evolving after the pandemic as they hone new priorities, react to both a sometimes volatile political context and the state of cinemagoing worldwide if a round table at Chile’s Sanfic Industria last week, titled Film Festivals’ Present and Future, was anything to go by. 

Panel speakers took in honchos at three top Latin American events – Sanfic artistic director Carlos Nuñez, Rio de Janeiro Film Festival director Ilda Santiago and Estrella Araiza, managing director of Mexico’s Guadalajara Festival. 


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