‘The Roommate’ Review: Mia Farrow and Patti LuPone Bring Out Each Other’s Best in a Charming Double Act

There’s something loose, rebellious, and even wild hiding within the trappings of “The Roommate,” a new Broadway production of a play written by Jen Silverman. One just has to wait for it to reveal itself.

“The Roommate” has had a long life, beginning with its first performance in 2015. And, in moments, its age seems to show. Here, Mia Farrow plays Sharon, an Iowa City resident who takes in Patti LuPone’s Robyn, a leather-jacketed agent of chaos fleeing the Bronx for unspecified (at least at first) reasons. Sharon’s house, a set we never leave, is bare and exposed to the sky beyond, with striking projections of an Iowan landscape

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