‘Oceans Are the Real Continents’ Review: A Lush and Lyrical Vision of Contemporary Cuba in Black and White

There is a ravishing kind of beauty in Tommaso Santambrogio’s lyrical triptych of contemporary Cuban life, “Oceans Are the Real Continents.” With black and white cinematography that privileges an exacting formalism throughout, this portrait of the island works hard to defamiliarize the very sun-dappled, colorful image of Cuba that so dominates the cultural imaginary. An intergenerational study on exile and belonging, Santambrogio has crafted a staid travelogue whose poetic sensibility is both what makes it such an intriguing proposition and also quite an alienating one.

“Oceans Are the Real Continents” — whose very title nudges audiences to reimagine how it is we understand the geography of the world around

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