‘Locked’ Review: Bill Skarsgård and Anthony Hopkins Square Off in a Battle of Wheels

“High concept” used to be industry terminology for movies whose premise was precise, succinct and intriguing, but these days it’s used interchangeably as shorthand to describe ones that just sound lazy, instead of creative. Take “Locked” for a timely example: It’s about a thief who finds himself locked inside the car he’s trying to burglarize.

Remaking the 2019 Argentinian film “4×4,” director David Yaroevsky (“Brightburn”) translates that film’s ticking-clock tension into a simmering pressure-cooker character study that’s been superficially overlaid with timely political rhetoric. But seldom has the phrase “mileage may vary” applied more than it does to this film, even with two relative heavyweights — Bill Skarsgård and

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