Once a niche of “hipster/hippie” freelancers and entrepreneurs, digital nomads have now established themselves as a global force of professional remote workers who seize the opportunity to combine work with travel, turning...
Indonesia has inaugurated a new massive power-outage-proof transmitter tower to boost and expand cellphone network connectivity across Ubud, a region in the uplands of Bali. The tower was strategically placed on top...
During July, the US State Department reissued 21 travel security alerts for different reasons, particularly concerning terrorism and crime. We’ve brought you the eight most relevant ones. If you happen to be...
For years, Portugal has marketed itself as one of the most welcoming hotspots for digital nomads, especially on the islands of Madeira and cities like Portimão, Lagos, Porto, and of course, the...
The latest anti-tourist protest in Barcelona has provoked unfavorable reactions as a group of demonstrators fired water pistols at visitors while asking them to “Go Home.” Such behaviors were immediately rejected by...
In a bid to boost the tourism industry, the Thai government has decided to introduce some modifications to benefit a number of visa holders, including digital nomads. New changes include extending visa...
Work from home, for some people, has become work from anywhere. Digital nomads, who travel the world working in different locations, have always been with us, but the lifestyle is becoming more...
Fukuoka City and Yugyo Inc. will be soon hosting “Colive Fukuoka 2024,” the largest Digital Nomad Conference Japan has seen in 2024. With the slogan: “Co-create and celebrate a global community in...