ABC‘s annual “Dick Clark’s New Year’s Rockin’ Eve” special brought the network its first big ratings win of the year. Hosted by Ryan Seacrest for the 20th year...
“Tell Me Lies” has been renewed for a third season at Hulu. Based on Carola Lovering’s novel of the same name, “Tell Me Lies” stars Grace Van Patten as...
“Secret Level” has been renewed for a second season at Amazon Prime Video. The series is an adult animated anthology made up of short stories set in the world of various...
“The Madness” was the most-watched streaming original in the U.S. by far during the week of Nov. 29-Dec. 5, per Luminate. The Colman Domingo-led limited series was watched for 2.2...
Courtney B. Vance has joined the cast of “Percy Jackson and the Olympians” as Zeus. The role was originally played by Lance Reddick, who died at age 60 shortly after production...
“All American” will return to the CW for its seventh season on Jan. 29. That night marks the season’s first “sneak peek” before the Season 7 premiere episode airs again on...