“Sonic the Hedgehog 3” has powered to the top of box office charts while “Mufasa: The Lion King” is getting trampled in its first weekend of release. Paramount’s third “Sonic” adventure...
Universal Pictures has tapped Vanessa Caswill to direct “Reminders of Him,” an adaptation of Colleen Hoover‘s romance novel. Caswill’s major credits include Netflix’s 2023 romantic comedy “Love at First...
Kraven may be the world’s greatest hunter, but the comic book villain couldn’t manage the climb to the top of the box office charts. Sony’s “Kraven the Hunter,” a superhero spinoff...
National Cinema Day, an annual event in which movie theater tickets are heavily discounted, is returning in 2025 with a new title and expanded programming that won’t confine the affordable...
“Moana 2” has notched $600 million in global ticket sales, standing as the sixth-biggest movie of the year after just two weeks of release. Disney’s animated sequel, which was developed as...
Disney’s animated adventure “Moana 2” remained the de facto choice at the movies, collecting a leading $52 million from 4,200 North American theaters in its second weekend of release. Ticket sales...
“Grey’s Anatomy” actor T.R. Knight is returning to Broadway in “Stranger Things: The First Shadow,” a stage play based on the massive Netflix television series. The show, which opens in 2025,...
Mattel is being sued for mistakenly printing the URL for a pornographic site on the packaging for special-edition “Wicked” dolls. According to court documents, a South Carolina resident...