Warner Bros. Motion Picture Group has struck a deal with CJ ENM, the backers of Bong Joon Ho’s Oscar-winning “Parasite” and Celine Song’s acclaimed “Past Lives,” to develop, finance and distribute...
“Challengers” star Josh O’Connor has joined the cast of Steven Spielberg‘s new film. As previously announced, Emily Blunt, Colin Firth, Colman Domingo and Eve Hewson (“Bad Sisters,” “Flora and...
“Gladiator II” entered the international box office arena with $87 million from 63 markets, a powerful start for the quarter-century-in-the-making sequel to Ridley Scott’s 2000 best picture winner “Gladiator.” This marks...
“Red One,” a Christmas-set action comedy starring Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson as Santa’s head of security, unwrapped a soft $34.1 million from 4,032 North American theaters in its box office debut....
Lina Esco, the actor best known for “S.W.A.T.” and “Kingdom,” has joined the cast of Matt Damon and Ben Affleck’s new film “RIP.” Joe Carnahan (“Narc,” “Smokin’ Aces”) is...
Lionsgate has renewed a three-year, first-look deal with Kingdom Story Company. The announcement extends the partnership to 10 years and follows the theatrical release of “The Best Christmas...
“Red One,” a Christmas-themed release in which Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson plays Santa’s head of security, didn’t have too big a bounty to unwrap in its international box office debut....
Jon M. Chu had a pretty good excuse for missing the premiere of “Wicked.” The director of the two-part musical epic couldn’t make the starry Los Angeles event because...