“Moana 2,” originally conceived as a television show for streaming, is officially a billion-dollar box office smash. The animated sequel has generated $445 million domestically and $567 million internationally, bringing its...
Heading into the long weekend, Universal’s “Wolf Man” reboot was projected to climb to No. 1 on domestic box office charts. Yet Sony’s “One of Them Days,” an R-rated buddy comedy...
On Jan. 7, Warner Bros. worldwide marketing chief Josh Goldstine was called into the office of his bosses, studio chiefs Mike De Luca and Pam Abdy, at the end of the...
Sundance will unfold as planned amid the devastating wildfires that continue to burn around Los Angeles. Though the film festival takes place in Park City, many attendees including filmmakers, studio...
Two Disney tentpoles, “Mufasa: The Lion King” and “Moana 2,” are crossing major box office milestones. “Mufasa” has surpassed $500 million globally after four weeks of release, while “Moana...
Lionsgate’s heist thriller “Den of Thieves 2: Pantera” stole the box office crown, debuting at No. 1 with $15.5 million from 3,008 North American theaters. The sequel to 2018’s “Den of...
Josh Goldstine, the Warner Bros. marketing chief who spearheaded the “Barbie” promotional campaign heard ’round the world, is stepping down. The studio’s head of international distribution Andrew Cripps is also departing...
Tom Holland is suiting up, this time to play a lawyer, in the upcoming adaptation of John Grisham’s novel “The Partner” for Universal Pictures. The actor, who rose to...