Korean-made crime-comedy-thriller “I, The Executioner,” a sequel to 2015 hit ‘Veteran,” continued its spree at the top of the South Korea weekend box office. It earned $1.68 million in its fourth...
Gang Dong-won, cuts a thrilling figure as a slave-turned-rebel warrior in “Uprising,” the sumptuous period action movie that was the opening gala title of this week’s Busan International Film Festival. The...
In the job for five months, Ellen Kim, the new head of Busan’s market has started to put her imprint on the industry component of the Busan International Film Festival. ...
Executives from CJ ENM, Korea’s largest media and entertainment conglomerate, Friday committed to investing upwards of KRW1 trillion ($750 million) per year in content. “We continue to believe in K-content,”...
Celebrated Australian documentary filmmakers Matthew Salleh and Rose Tucker of Urtext Films are preparing to serve up their “Slice of Life: The American Dream. In Former Pizza Huts” dish at the...
TAXING SITUATION The Philippines is to impose a 12% value-added tax on overseas digital service providers operating in the country, including Netflix, HBO and Disney. The measure was signed into...
Comedy-horror “Dead Talents Society” picked up 11 nominations for the Golden Horse Film Awards, making it the most acclaimed title among the 169 films in contention for the prestigious Chinese-language prizes....
Asian sales and production firm Distribution Workshop is using the Busan International Film Festival’s market to re-launch ambitious “Sons of the Neon Night,” a film it first became attached to in...