The Dwayne Johnson-starring Christmas-themed comedy adventure film “Red One” is set for a theatrical release in mainland China. The film is directed by Jake Kasdan and sees Santa Claus (code name:...
Warner Bros. Discovery has confirmed that its streaming service Max will launch in seven territories in Southeast Asia next month. From Nov. 19, it will be available in Indonesia, Malaysia,...
“Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone” took second place at the mainland China box office over the latest weekend, leading off a season of re-releases that will encompass the full...
Korean-made crime-comedy-thriller “I The Executioner,” a sequel to 2015 hit ‘Veteran,” continued to top South Korea’s weekend box office. Its victory, however, was a hollow one as Korea’s overall box office...
GrX Studio has set its sights on an international expansion that matches its leading position within Taiwan’s film and TV production industry. At a fast-paced event on Monday held on...
Serving a rising demand for Indonesian horror, U.S.-Thai film sales company EST N8 has picked up rights to “Perewangan,” a feature that launches in its home market theaters later...
Thailand’s skill with ghostly drama series gets another showing in “The Legend of Nang Nak,” which releases widely across Asia next week. Directed by Taweewat Wantha and scripted by Sorarat Jirabovornwisut,...
Chen Kaige’s war epic “The Volunteers: The Battle of Life and Death” was the dominant force at the mainland China box office over the weekend. But the end of the...