Ace Japanese film director Kore-eda Hirokazu is in advanced post-production on “Asura,” a family drama series that marks his second show for global streaming giant Netflix. “Asura,” which will premiere on...
Leading Malaysian director Adrian Teh has begun filming thriller “Magik Rompak,” a high-stakes heist thriller. The narrative follows a leading magician who assembles a reluctant crew for an audacious and daring...
Chinese melodrama film “The Untold Story” opened on top of the mainland China box office on its debut weekend, despite playing for only two days. It earned RMB80.8 million ($11.4 million),...
The South Korean theatrical box office sunk to its lowest-earning weekend of the year, despite the release of new films including “Hear Me: Our Summer,” “Red One” and “Anora.” “Venom: The...
Sony Group Corporation reported little changed revenues of JPY2.91 trillion ($19 billion) for the July to September period, representing the second quarter of its April to March financial year. But group-level...
Governments and agencies across Asia are taking steps to expand and extend the cross-border film coproduction movement. A seminar called ‘From Eurasia to Global Collaboration’ on Thursday, the third day of...
Thai film director Paween Purijitpanya has directed “Tomorrow and I,” a four-part anthology series for Netflix. It covers topics including cloning, prostitution, religion and global warming. The series expands the streamer’s...
Officials and filmmakers were on hand Tuesday in Taipei to hail the Taiwan Creative Content Fest as a stepping stone for local and Asian creators to mount the world stage. “We...