Ridham Janve, an already acclaimed director attending the Film Bazaar with his second film “Hunter’s Moon” (aka “Kaatti Ri Raatti”), likens the editing process to a game of long-distance chess that...
Chinese video streaming group iQiyi incurred setbacks in subscriptions and advertising, but was able to improve its content sales, leading to a July to September quarter that was down in revenue...
Female director Tribeny Rai once took on hard labor in her native Sikkim, India, in order to prove that women are not weak. But she found that even those drastic...
“Star Wars: Visions,” a Lucasfilm anthology series of animated shorts from around the world celebrating the mythology of Star Wars through different cultural perspectives, will return for a third season, Marvel...
Drama film “To Gather Around” topped the mainland China box office over the weekend and deposed “Venom: The Last Dance.” The film, which also goes by the title...
“Gladiator II” topped the box office in South Korea through its opening sessions. But it did little to transform the recent dismal trend in Korean cinemas. The Ridley Scott-directed sequel earned...
South Korean actor Song Jae-lim was found dead at his home in Seoul on Tuesday. He was 39. Police sources said that Song’s body was found in Seoul’s Seongdong...
Prime Video has launched a raft of add-on subscriptions and its Prime Video Store in New Zealand. These expand the selection of content available with the aim of making...