“Gladiator II” star Paul Mescal made his hosting debut tonight during the 50th season of “Saturday Night Live” and riffed on everything from his lack of comedic performances to his Irish...
Dana Carvey‘s Church Lady character opened “Saturday Night Live” with her talkshow guests including a parade of “sinners” representing the “most Satanic year in history”: Sarah Sherman as Matt Gaetz, David...
Thom Christopher, who portrayed the mobster Carlo Hessler in the ABC soap opera “One Life To Live,” died Thursday in New York. He was 84. His longtime friend Steve Bergman confirmed...
In Los Angeles, it often seems to be the best of times and the worst of times for restaurants simultaneously. Just as Silver Lake is mourning the departure of favorites All...
Marshall Brickman, who won an Oscar for writing “Annie Hall” alongside Woody Allen and also collaborated with him on “Sleeper,” “Manhattan” and “Manhattan Murder Mystery,” died Friday in Manhattan. He was...
In the middle of a lava field on the Southern Peninsula of Iceland, the crew of “The Fires” is setting up the next shot. In the production village, producer Grímar Jónsson...
Adam Somner, a respected assistant director and producer for filmmakers including Steven Spielberg, Martin Scorsese, Paul Thomas Anderson, Alejandro Inarritu and Ridley Scott, died Wednesday of thyroid cancer in Studio City....