Conspiracies and cover-ups are a dime a dozen in fictional movies (thrillers, political dramas, you name it). But when a documentary unravels a conspiracy, it can take on the kind of...
At the 2025 Sundance Film Festival, there were movies that provoked their share of buzz and chatter and official breathless enthusiasm. But it’s fair to say that no movie this year...
“The Alabama Solution” is one of the most powerful exposés of the inhumanity of the American prison system I’ve ever seen. Directed by Andrew Jarecki (“Capturing the Friedmans,” “The Jinx”) and...
“Lurker” is a tight, nifty, and unsettling little parable of the pathology of fame in our time. It tells the story of Matthew (Théodore Pellerin), a nobody who works in one...
In the ever-shifting world of the biopic, a biopic can be many different things. It can be like a novel (if it covers someone’s entire life). It can have the more...
“Rebuilding” belongs to a genre that’s now past its sell-by date: the slow-moving Sundance red-state movie. By red state, I don’t mean that the politics are right wing in any overt...
In “The Thing with Feathers,” Benedict Cumberbatch plays a London creator of graphic novels who, quite suddenly, finds himself a widower (his beloved wife collapsed on the kitchen floor and died)....
A dozen years ago, at the 2013 Sundance Film Festival, I sat in the Eccles Theatre and watched “Fruitvale” (later entitled “Fruitvale Station”), Ryan Coogler’s true-life drama about Oscar Grant, a...