Once in a while, you see an actor who isn’t held back by the decorum that rules even most good actors. Her emotions don’t stay in check — they spill over...
Early on in “The Makings of Curtis Mayfield,” H.E.R., the 27-year-old R&B pop star who directed the film and appears in it as its interviewer and tour guide, offers a telling...
Like a cocktail made of ingredients that aren’t meant to go together, but that stimulate your taste buds in a just sweet-and-tart, gin-and-blood-orange enough way that you keep sipping it, “A...
In a sense, you could say it was like the good old days. Oscar night, whether the telecast is great or just so-so (I’m all but incapable of finding the Oscars...
The Oscars have long been called a “horse race,” and in any such contest the horses are bound to shift position. One horse can pull ahead, and then fall behind. That...
There’s a certain kind of true-life logistical rescue drama — Ron Howard’s “Apollo 13” is the granddaddy of them — that makes you realize how larded with theatrical devices most movies...