Global sales, production, and finance company EST N8 has acquired “Hutang Nyawa,” an Indonesian horror film due to release Dec. 12. The acquisition was made during the Jogja-Netpac Asian Film Festival...
Prime Video has set a premiere date for the sophomore season of its musical drama series “Bandish Bandits.” The new season continues to explore the fusion of Indian classical...
Indonesia‘s JAFF Market is set to welcome two Australian projects at its JAFF Future Project platform, marking a collaboration with Adelaide Film Festival (AFF). The inaugural JAFF Market takes place alongside the...
Celebrated Bangladeshi filmmaker Mostofa Sarwar Farooki has been put in charge of his country’s Ministry of Cultural Affairs. In August, Nobel Peace Prize winner Muhammad Yunus was appointed to lead Bangladesh‘s...
Jio Studios and Stage5 Production’s suspense drama “Saali Mohabbat” will make its world premiere at the 55th International Film Festival of India (IFFI) in Goa. Fashion maven Manish Malhotra is making...
Jason Isaacs, Jimmi Simpson and Russell Peters have joined the voice cast of “Pierre the Pigeon-Hawk,” the upcoming animated feature from Exodus Film Group, Toonz Media Group and JAKM3N Productions....
As the Taiwan Creative Content Fest (TCCF) concludes its fifth edition, the event has reaffirmed its role as a significant platform for the creative industry on the island – and elsewhere...
In a move to bolster film preservation across borders, India‘s Film Heritage Foundation (FHF) is teaming with French diplomatic missions in India, Sri Lanka and the Maldives on a two-year project...