New York-based Singaporean filmmaker Kirsten Tan is set to direct “Crocodile Rock,” a film that explores the underground lesbian club culture of 1990s Singapore. The project is currently being presented at...
Netflix has unveiled an extensive lineup of Korean films set to debut on the streaming platform in 2025, showcasing the streaming giant’s continued investment in Korean content. The diverse slate,...
Huma Qureshi (“Gangs of Wasseypur”) stars in “Bayaan,” (The Testimony) a police drama that has wrapped shooting and is participating in Busan‘s Asian Project Market. The film is directed by...
Indian animator Triparna Maiti’s feature project “Mangal – The Holy Beast” has been selected for the Busan Asian Project Market. The film project spotlights the plight of captive elephants through animation....
Indian comedy sensation Kapil Sharma, who starred in Nandita Das’ 2022 Busan selection “Zwigato,” has successfully transitioned his long-running TV show to Netflix, with “The Great Indian Kapil Show” now reaching...
Dissident Iranian director Mohammad Rasoulof has addressed the circumstances that led to his film “The Seed of the Sacred Fig” being selected as Germany’s entry to the Oscars, rather than that...
Iranian cinema icon Jafar Panahi will mark the lifting of his 14-year travel ban by attending the 35th Singapore International Film Festival (SGIFF). The festival’s lineup spotlights rising Singaporean talent and...
Oscar-winning composer A.R. Rahman (“Slumdog Millionaire”) has signed on to create the musical score for the upcoming series “Gandhi,” directed by Hansal Mehta and produced by India’s Applause Entertainment. ...