“Desperate Housewives” creator Marc Cherry is open to exploring a different era of Wisteria Lane. In a recent interview with People magazine, Cherry pitched his idea for a...
French-Japanese drama series “Les Gouttes de Dieu ,” Argentine comedy series “División Palermo” and actor Timothy Spall were among the winners at the 52nd annual International Emmy Awards. The ceremony was...
Adele delivered an emotional farewell speech during her final Las Vegas residency date on Saturday night at the Colosseum Theatre at Caesars Palace. “It’s been wonderful and I will miss it...
Chad Duell, who has played Michael Corinthos on “General Hospital” for 14 years, is exiting the ABC soap opera. Duell announced the news in an Instagram post on...
Isabel May is set to play the daughter of Neve Campbell‘s Sidney Prescott in “Scream 7,” Variety has confirmed. May, known for her role as Elsa Dutton in...
The United States Postal Service is honoring Betty White with her own stamp. USPS announced White’s Forever stamp on Friday as part of its new slate of stamps...
Stephen Colbert spent the majority of his opening monologue on Wednesday night’s “Late Show” talking about President-elect Donald Trump‘s Cabinet choices so far, including Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida as attorney...
During his “Closer Look” segment on Wednesday night, Seth Meyers commented on President-elect Donald Trump‘s Cabinet picks for several key roles, including Fox News host and Army National Guard veteran Pete...