

Why I’m holding my applause for Washington’s new foster care law

They weren’t talking about changes of the incremental, nibbling-at-the-edges style we’re used to. No, in 2023, when the Keeping Families Together law takes effect, the front end of Washington state’s entire child...

In Washington politics, is it really Seattle’s state now?

Seattle Times columnist Danny Westneat weighed in last week, opining: “It’s Seattle’s state now in politics, and everybody else is living in it.” His commentary is actually a lot more nuanced than...

Compassion Seattle has a plan for a tent-free city. Does it hold up?

To achieve this vision, they’ve cooked up a proposed amendment to the city charter, which is kind of like the constitution of the city. And they’ve launched an initiative campaign they hope...

If WA cares about racial justice, it's time to tax capital gains profits

If only we’d taken the same approach with our economy. Like an earthquake, the COVID-19 pandemic exploited deep cracks in our communities that pre-existed the virus and should have been addressed long...

Are democracy vouchers enough to keep Seattle elections local?

Granted, democracy vouchers are still new — 2021 marks their third major cycle — and usage has increased dramatically since their introduction. But in the face of historically expensive elections and huge...

After Blake, will Washington state repay victims of the war on drugs?

No longer can police and courts assume that a person was in possession of drugs just because they had them on their person, or were near them in some capacity. Now, the...

Is it time for Seattle to decriminalize shrooms and psychedelics?

As a child in northern New Jersey, Luz experienced domestic violence over a number of years. She never got to know her father, who, she says, was a casualty of the war...

From art to infrastructure, the New Deal shaped Seattle’s future

As I watch, I remember the opening of the old Evergreen Point Bridge in 1963, the last remnants of which are being hauled away now. We called it “the new bridge” for...

