Caroline Dries is serving as the co-showrunner on the “Legally Blonde” prequel series “Elle” at Amazon Prime Video, Variety has learned exclusively. The show was formally greenlit at...
Fox has announced its midseason premiere dates, which includes the series finale of “9-1-1: Lone Star.” It was reported in September that “Lone Star” would be ending with its fifth season...
Jake Paul and Mike Tyson‘s heavyweight boxing match was viewed by an estimated 60 million households globally, peaking at 65 million “concurrent streams,” according to data shared by Netflix. More data...
Mike Tyson shed more light on the medical issues that originally delayed his fight against Jake Paul. In a post on his official X account, Tyson wrote, “I...
Poorna Jagannathan has been cast in a recurring role in the upcoming HBO series “Lanterns,” Variety has confirmed. The show is based on DC’s “Green Lantern” comics. Jagannathan...
Sophie Turner is nearly set for the lead role in Amazon‘s upcoming “Tomb Raider” TV series, Variety has confirmed with sources. Sources say that the deal is not...
The highly anticipated second season of “The Night Agent” has set its premiere date at Netflix. Season 2 of the action thriller series will drop in its entirety...
“Euphoria” Season 3 is still on track, according to HBOI/Max boss Casey Bloys. HBO had previously announced that Season 3 would at long last go into production in January 2025, almost...