Lionel Messi‘s upcoming animated kids’ series has been acquired by Disney Branded Television. The series, titled “Messi and the Giants,” was first reported to be in the works back in...
Life isn’t that unfair, it turns out. A “Malcolm in the Middle” revival has been ordered at Disney+, Variety has learned. The new iteration of the series hails from original...
Brad Ingelsby is staying in business with HBO. Variety has learned exclusively that the celebrated writer and producer has extended his overall deal with the premium cabler for a...
Charly Clive will star opposite Steve Carell in his upcoming HBO comedy series from Bill Lawrence and Matt Tarses. The show was originally picked up back in May....
“Suits LA” has added four actors in guest star roles, Variety has learned exclusively. Maggie Grace (“Fear the Walking Dead,” “Taken” franchise), Matt Letscher (“Narcos,” “The Flash”), Sofia Pernas (“Tracker,” “Blood...
Mark Eydelshteyn has been cast in Season 2 of Amazon Prime Video‘s “Mr. and Mrs. Smith,” Variety has learned. Eydelshteyn is the first confirmed cast member for the...
Bill Lawrence is no Superman, but he is currently developing a reboot of his beloved sitcom “Scrubs” at ABC. Variety has learned that Lawrence is working on a new iteration...