The Robbie Williams song “Forbidden Road” from “Better Man,” shortlisted earlier this week for best original song, has been disqualified, Variety has learned. The song, insiders report, “incorporates material...
Randy Edelman‘s fame largely rests on his impressive roster of film scores—everything from his Golden Globe-nominated “Last of the Mohicans” to such big-grossing comedies as “Beethoven” and “The Mask,” and action...
The Academy music branch has expanded its Oscar original-score shortlist from 15 to 20 films this year, widening the field of potential nominees in a year of varied approaches and soundscapes....
This year’s original-song competition features something for everyone: tunes from live-action musicals, animated features, dramas and documentaries, plus the annual entry from 15-time nominee Diane Warren. The big-screen adaptation of “Wicked”...
Movies set in the past often rely on music to tell us just where we are. Most, but not all, of the composers of this year’s period pieces felt the obligation...