Amazon Prime Video has unveiled the first trailer for the dark comedy series “The Sticky.” According to the official logline, the show “follows Ruth Landry (Margo Martindale), a...
The Brooklyn Horror Film Festival has unveiled its audience and jury award honorees for its 2024 edition, which ran from Oct. 17-24 at Nitehawk Cinema’s Williamsburg and Prospect Park locations. Taking...
“Modern Family” star and “Love Island USA” host Sarah Hyland spoke Thursday night in Los Angeles at the annual gala for Variety Power of Women presented by Lifetime. In her speech,...
In his new Netflix special, Hasan Minhaj touched on the fact-checked jokes scandal that led to him losing his job as the new host of the “The Daily Show.” Minhaj’s...
Mimi Hines, the Canadian comedian and stage actress who succeeded Barbra Streisand in the Broadway production of “Funny Girl,” has died. She was 91. Hines died of natural causes on Oct....