Trey Kennedy has set a new stand-up comedy special at Hulu, where it will be available to stream starting Jan. 24. Titled “Grow Up,” the hour “takes audiences on a hilarious...
“Abbott Elementary” has made it to the fifth grade. Quinta Brunson’s scholastic sitcom has been renewed for Season 5 at ABC. Season 4 of “Abbott Elementary” is currently...
Food Network has cast a renewal spell over “Harry Potter: Wizards of Baking.” The competition series, hosted by Fred and George Weasley actors James and Oliver Phelps, follows teams...
Director-writer David Lynch, who radicalized American film with with a dark, surrealistic artistic vision in films like “Blue Velvet” and “Mulholland Drive” and network television with “Twin Peaks,” has died. He...
SPOILER ALERT: This story contains spoilers for Season 1 of “Severance,” streaming on Apple TV+. A recap is available upon request. “Severance” returns on Apple TV+ this Friday, but it’s...
“St. Denis Medical” is scrubbing up for Season 2. NBC has renewed the hospital-set sitcom for a second season before the end of its first season run. The show...
Donald Trump hurled insults at Seth Meyers in the middle of the night on Truth Social, calling the late night TV host “dumb and untalented” and demanding that Comcast, which owns...
What started as a goofy, groundbreaking play that debuted inside the Sing Sing Correctional Facility — and then inspired the Golden Globe-nominated movie “Sing Sing” — will return to the stage,...