What do Sam Altman and David Sacks have in common? Certainly not politics. Mr Altman, co-founder of OpenAI, is part of the transition team of Daniel Lurie, the Democratic mayor-elect of San...
Managers are better equipped than ever to make good decisions. They are more aware that human judgment is fallible. They have oodles of data about their customers and products. They can use...
The HOLIDAY season is a time for family, food—and, at least for some people, American football. As in previous years, teams in the National Football League (NFL) played on Christmas day, watched...
No American president has been as ostensibly pro-pot as Donald Trump. During the campaign he declared support for various cannabis-reform measures, and said he would vote in favour of recreational use in...
In a SMALL shop in the eastern Chinese city of Hefei, one of the rarest pieces of technology in the world is on display. The quantum computer in the showroom of Origin,...
From the dining room on the ground floor of “Carl’s Villa” in Copenhagen, guests are treated to views of a charming garden adorned with classical statues. The art nouveau house was built...
ANOTHER UNEASY year for chief executives is drawing to a close. A series of elections, from India to America, cast a shroud of uncertainty over 2024. Wars in Ukraine and the Middle...
The Can of Ham cannot find a buyer. It may be hard to see the Gherkin because the Walkie-Talkie and the Cheesegrater get in the way. London’s skyline is made of glass,...