The Economist


A guide to dodging Trump’s tariffs

In 1881 American customs officials stopped a suspicious shipment of sugar, believing its colour had been altered. Under the prevailing tariff code, the darker the colour, the lower the grade and the...

A guide to dodging Donald Trump’s tariffs

In 1881 American customs officials stopped a suspicious shipment of sugar, believing its colour had been deliberately altered. Under the prevailing tariff code, the darker the colour, the lower the grade and...

Europe is set to start cutting red tape—lightly

If red tape could be said to have a spiritual home, it would be the corridors of the European Commission in Brussels. The beating heart of the “regulatory superpower” that is the...

Leaving the seat of power

The arc of management bends towards sitting on your arse. You may intend to get away from your desk, but it holds you there nonetheless. There are always more emails to clear;...

Hollywood’s Trump-baiting Oscars

Donald Trump’s election marked a “cultural tipping point”, Mark Zuckerberg declared as he hastily reorganised his company last month. After abolishing fact-checking and promising to move staff from California to Texas, Meta’s...

Elon Musk spells danger for Accenture, McKinsey and their rivals

It should be a management consultant’s dream. The organisation is immense. The bloat is obvious. And the new boss is eager to shake things up. President Donald Trump and his disrupter-in-chief, Elon...

Why Xi Jinping is making nice with China’s tech billionaires

China’s Communist Party has a history of purging then welcoming back senior officials. Deng Xiaoping was purged three times before leading the country out of Maoism in the late 1970s. Some cadres...

Xi’s rehabilitation of Jack Ma may be the most lucrative ever

China’s Communist Party has a history of purging then welcoming back senior officials. Deng Xiaoping was purged three times before leading the country out of Maoism in the late 1970s. Some cadres...

The Economist
