
How salary transparency could impact the job hunt in Washington state

Limitations of the new lawBeckett said the new rule is overly controlling of businesses, which he claims often don’t know what salary or benefits they should offer until they start vetting a...

A foster system paradox: Parents billed for care of their children

For Jeremiah Donier, the 14 months that his child spent in foster care resulted in a bill of nearly $5,000 and led him to file for bankruptcy, he said.Donier was a first-time...

WA wants to capture the natural gas leaking from landfills

“Methane stays in place for 10 years instead of 100 years, but it has 100 times the impact of carbon emissions,” state Rep. Davina Duerr, D-Bothell, said at a Jan. 10 hearing...

No increased WA gas tax in 'unprecedented' $16.8B transportation budget

Slowly diminishing returnsThe $16.8 billion transportation package proposal quickly making its way through the state Legislature consists of two parts. One portion allocates $5.4 billion from the brand new carbon tax to...

Shrinking WA kelp and eelgrass beds draw legislative attention

There are two basic categories of kelp. One, called “canopy,” is the widely seen and better studied kelp that floats while its strands attach themselves to underwater rock. The other major category...

WA abortion clinics are preparing for Roe v. Wade to be overturned

Even if the Supreme Court guts Roe or overturns it altogether, abortion rights will be upheld in Washington through existing state-level protections. But they may not be in Idaho, where the state...

WA proposed budget funds stipends to attract low-income board members

A new effort by state officials seeks to ensure low-income people can afford to serve on state boards and commissions so that the voices at the table come from a wider variety...

Washington is shipping more disabled students out of state

Finding solutions at homeToby, a parent in the Northshore School District who asked to withhold his last name to protect his daughter’s privacy, says sending his daughter away “saved her life.” She...
