Daniela Kankova


22 Best Places To Visit In The U.S. In November 2023

The month of November is the perfect time to visit the United States. With summer coming to an end and winter just around the corner, this is the perfect time to visit...

7 Best Places To Retire In Canada Under $3000

When discussing the best spots to spend the golden years, most people probably imagine Florida, Costa Rica, or Italy. However, there is another place which is perfect for retiring. Maybe not as...

21 Best Places To Visit In The U.S. In October 2023

151 shares Favorite October travel destinations in the U.S. are generally associated with great weather, fall colors, and fun events. The places included in this survey have...

10 Most Underrated Places To Visit In Illinois in 2023  

Illinois offers a treasure trove of hidden gems to explore by car, by boat, on foot, or on a bike. Here are nine overlooked and underrated but fun and fascinating locations for...

Daniela Kankova
