To describe “The Merry Gentlemen” as “The Full Monty” meets a Christmas-themed Hallmark movie might be overselling the goods. However, that’s essentially the elevator pitch for this feature, in which a...
Rather than taking the obvious route with an action-heavy, fictionalized portrait of French thief Bruno Sulak’s criminal misadventures of the late 1970s and early ’80s, filmmaker Mélanie Laurent shrewdly treats “Freedom”...
In a year where we’re seeing younger men woo older women in steamy romances like “The Idea of You” and “Babygirl,” it feels genuinely refreshing that writer-director Susannah Grant’s “Lonely Planet”...
After seeing Joel Kinnaman make do without the use of his voice in last year’s “Silent Night,” he returns to films with the word “silent” in them in “The Silent Hour,”...