Karla Sofía Gascón, star of the Oscar-nominated film “Emilia Pérez,” has accused the social media team of fellow best actress nominee Fernanda Torres of attempting to undermine her work. In a...
Netflix has announced the global release date for “Anuja,” the award-winning and Oscar-nominated short film about sisterhood, resilience and hope. Revealed exclusively to Variety, Netflix has set its worldwide on the...
Variety Awards Circuit section is the home for all awards news and related content throughout the year, featuring the following: the official predictions for the upcoming Oscars, Emmys, Grammys and Tony Awards ceremonies, curated...
As Frodo says after destroying the One Ring while sitting on a boulder surrounded by rivers of lava in “The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King”: It’s done....
Fernanda Torres sits in her New York City hotel room, her calm demeanor masking the whirlwind few weeks she’s had. Fresh off her Golden Globe win for best actress (drama) for...
The Writers Guild of America (WGA) has unveiled its nominees for the 2025 WGA Awards, highlighting a mix of familiar Oscar frontrunners, unexpected entries, and the creative reshuffling prompted by ineligible...
The Critics Choice Awards, initially scheduled for Sunday, Jan. 12, and then postponed to Jan. 26 due to the devastating Los Angeles wildfires, has been delayed once again. The ceremony, celebrating...
The Oscars have announced updates to its timeline, extending the nomination voting period and rescheduling key events in light of the ongoing wildfires in Los Angeles. The voting period, initially set...