The Academy has unveiled its list of eligible films for the 97th Oscars in the animated, documentary, and international feature categories, spotlighting various blockbusters and critically lauded works. Submissions span major...
Angelina Jolie will be honored with the Desert Palm Achievement Award – Actress at the upcoming Palm Springs International Film Awards for her role in Netflix’s “Maria.” “Maria presents...
In a twist as predictable as a Hollywood sequel, conservative media and alt-right commentators have made it their mission to ridicule the entertainment industry’s awards circuit. It’s an annual ritual from...
Variety Awards Circuit section is the home for all awards news and related content throughout the year, featuring the following: the official predictions for the upcoming Oscars, Emmys, Grammys and Tony Awards...
Variety Awards Circuit section is the home for all awards news and related content throughout the year, featuring the following: the official predictions for the upcoming Oscars, Emmys, Grammys and Tony Awards ceremonies, curated...
Variety Awards Circuit section is the home for all awards news and related content throughout the year, featuring the following: the official predictions for the upcoming Oscars, Emmys, Grammys and Tony Awards ceremonies, curated...
The awards season can be a long haul. Discover all the essential dates and timelines for the upcoming awards season. This comprehensive guide lists the key moments and milestones leading...
“Nosferatu” has arrived. Robert Eggers’ reimagining of the 1922 silent German horror classic “Nosferatu” is being hailed as one of the year’s most terrifying yet visually stunning films. At a special...