Tyler Perry and Oprah Winfrey have been friends for nearly two decades, but his latest film, Netflix’s “The Six Triple Eight,” marks the first time Perry directed the cultural icon. The...
The Black List has partnered with Onyx Collective on an initiative that will put an unpublished manuscript on the pipeline to production with the offer of an 18-month film or TV...
Idris Elba (via his 22Summers production company) and Chiwetel Ejiofor have signed on as executive producers for “The Brown Dog,” a short animated film commissioned by WeTransfer. The film stars the...
“The Hunger Games” franchise director Francis Lawrence has signed a first-look producing deal with Lionsgate through his company About:Blank. Lawrence also closed a deal to return to direct and...
Charlize Theron traded her post-election “depressed sweats” for a stunning Schiaparelli gown to collect the Giving Tree Award at Baby2Baby’s annual gala on Saturday night, which raised a record-breaking $17.1 million to...
The hit docuseries “America’s Sweethearts: The Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders” has been renewed for a second season at Netflix. The first season of the docuseries, which captured the unfiltered lives of...
The Lego Group has enlisted directors Jake Kasdan (“Jumanji” franchise, “Bad Teacher”), Patty Jenkins “Wonder Woman,” “Wonder Woman 1984”) and Joe Cornish (“Attack the Block,” “The Kid Who Would be King”)...