Yorgos Lanthimos has added Alicia Silverstone to the star-studded cast of “Bugonia,” his upcoming sci-fi conspiracy movie led by Emma Stone and Jesse Plemons. Best known for her iconic role as...
Grammy winner Megan Thee Stallion will tell the story of her rise and evolution in a feature-length documentary for Amazon MGM Studios. The documentary, titled “Megan Thee Stallion: In Her...
According to recent research from Amazon Ads, 72% of monthly streaming viewers want to see more authentic, cross-cultural stories in the media. That study, titled “Ads to Zeitgeist,” examines why streaming...
Do you remember the 21st night of September? Well, let six-time Grammy winner and Academy Award-winning director Ahmir “Questlove” Thompson remind you — via the definitive documentary on the iconic group...
Keke Palmer and SZA‘s highly-anticipated team-up movie is coming to theaters next January. The TriStar Pictures movie — produced by Issa Rae‘s Hoorae, written by Syreeta Singleton and directed by...