“Shrinking” co-creator Bill Lawrence took inspiration from Michael J. Fox. The showrunner credited the “Back to The Future” star’s public battle with Parkinson’s as a focal point in shaping Paul, who is played by...
Canadian actress and model Dayle Haddon died Friday from a suspected incident of carbon monoxide poisoning which took place at the home of her son-in-law, Marc Blucas, who starred in...
The upcoming year’s slate of films promises a little something for everyone. With a mix of highly anticipated comic book reboots, adaptations from best-selling novels and sequels to original...
Jonathan Bennett wants a “Mean Girls” reunion. Bennett, along with his “Mean Girls” co-stars Lindsay Lohan and Lacey Chabert, is leading his own Christmas special this year and suggested the idea of the...
David Ayer has responded to public criticism for his support of James Gunn‘s upcoming film “Superman” and his cinematic expansion of the collective DC Universe. A few days prior to the release...
Barack Obama has shared his favorite movies of the year, continuing what has become an annual list-making tradition from the former President. “Here are a few movies I’d recommend checking out...
SPOILER ALERT: This article contains spoilers from “Bienvenidos a Nosotros,” Season 7, Episode 8 of “The Neighborhood,” now streaming on CBS. Max Greenfield earned Emmy and Golden Globe nominations for his portrayal...
“Weekend Update” took rapid-fire aim at President-elect Donald Trump and those in his orbit, from RFK Jr. to Elon Musk to Matt Gaetz. But of course, “Saturday Night Live‘s” faux newscast...