“Gladiator II,” one of the year’s biggest action films and the sequel to Ridley Scott‘s Oscar-winning historical epic, will soon be streaming on Paramount+ on Jan. 21. In addition, the physical...
Variety hosted a panel for six short films, moderated by Senior Artisans Editor Jazz Tangcay, as part of the Variety Streaming Room series. Among the films featured on the panel were “Au...
Film Independent announced the winners of its three Emerging Filmmaker Awards at its annual Spirit Awards Nominee Brunch on Saturday. Winners for the remaining categories are set to be announced...
Voting for the National Society of Film Critics is now complete and films like “Nickel Boys” and “A Real Pain” took home top honors. NSFC was founded in 1966 and is...
Mel Brooks, who helmed the classic “Star Wars” parody “Spaceballs,” has not returned to the franchise since his 1987 feature. And at a pitch meeting for the “Spaceballs” sequel, it...
Zendaya still thinks about her 2013 stint on “Dancing with the Stars.” The runner-up on Season 16 of the ABC dance competition series told W in a recent interview that she wished...
Britt Allcroft, a British television producer and writer who helped to develop “Thomas & Friends” based on “The Railway Series” books and its characters including Thomas the Tank Engine, died on...
George Folsey Jr., the veteran film editor behind classic films such as “Coming to America” and “Animal House,” died Dec. 29. He was 84. Variety learned the news from Folsey...