The writer and producer Dan Fogelman has a CV that spans genres, from a script credit on Pixar’s 2006 movie “Cars” to creating the musical fantasy series “Galavant.” But Fogelman is...
David Lynch will forever be known as a film auteur, though the consummate artist never restricted himself to a single medium. Painting, radio and even coffee production all fell within his...
It is seemingly not possible for “Dexter,” as a franchise, to move forward. In the final moments of the sequel series “New Blood,” which aired eight years after the original series...
Bridget Everett is processing the end of “Somebody Somewhere,” the HBO series loosely inspired by her life, in a very Bridget Everett way. “I’m just not ready,” she says about potential...
As networks and streamers adjust to this current moment of belt-tightening and post-election uncertainty, creators and actors are still delivering a dizzying breadth of quality television. Once again, Variety TV critics...
“Star Wars” has always been, on some level, for children. That’s neither condescension nor criticism: George Lucas created a swashbuckling fairy tale set in space, and its mantle has been taken...
A project like “The Madness” ought to be a feather in the cap of someone like Colman Domingo. Though the performer has been working steadily for decades, a few years’ worth...