Adi Robertson


The System Shock 2 remaster comes out June 26th

The classic PC game is getting a graphical upgrade and a console release.The classic PC game is getting a graphical upgrade and a console release.Adi Robertson is a senior tech and policy...

This card game lets you build the ideal social network — or the most toxic

/ A million users isn’t cool. You know what is?By Adi Robertson, a senior tech and policy editor focused on VR, online platforms, and free expression. Adi has covered video...

Pokémon developer faces major data leak

/ Game Freak said the leak came from a third-party intrusion.By Adi Robertson, a senior tech and policy editor focused on VR, online platforms, and free expression. Adi has covered...

Don’t ask if AI can make art — ask how AI can be art

Artificial IntelligenceDebates over AI’s artistic value have focused on its generative output. But so far, interactive systems have proved far more interesting.By Adi Robertson, a senior tech and policy editor focused...

Adi Robertson
