Towards the end of Sony Picture’s newest Marvel movie “Kraven the Hunter,” the titular anti-hero — played with maximum abdominal musculature by Aaron Taylor-Johnson — experiences a chilling hallucination in which...
Fresh off the success of the HBO series “The Penguin,” DC Studios has officially greenlit a feature film centered around Clayface, the shapeshifting Batman villain, from a script written by...
SPOILER WARNING: This story discusses plot developments in Episode 2 of “Creature Commandos,” now streaming on Max. When James Gunn created the animated DC Studios series “Creature Commandos” — about a...
“RuPaul’s Drag Race” — which is returning to MTV for its 17th season on Jan. 3 — officially revealed the 14 new drag queen contestants who will vie for...
When news broke on Thursday that Simon Kinberg — best known for being a writer, producer, director or all of the above on much of the “X-Men” franchise — had been hired by...
There is another disturbance in the Force. Screenwriter Steven Knight has departed the “Star Wars” movie set to follow Daisy Ridley’s Rey after the events of 2019’s “Star Wars: The...
Ridley Scott may not have been present for the first major screening of “Gladiator II” on Friday night on the Paramount lot in Los Angeles, but the 86-year-old director was the...
The “Star Trek Universe” panel at New York Comic Con on Saturday unveiled first looks at Season 3 of “Star Trek: Strange New Worlds” and the fifth and final season...