SPOILER WARNING: This story includes major plot developments for the entire first season of “Star Wars: Skeleton Crew,” currently streaming on Disney+. In 2017, when filmmaker Jon Watts and his writing...
The “Creature Commandos” will fight again: The Max animated series, written and executive produced by DC Studios co-chief James Gunn, has been renewed for a second season on the streaming platform....
For several years, the final “Saturday Night Live” episode of the year includes a segment of “Weekend Update” in which co-anchors Colin Jost and Michael Che write jokes that the other...
During the year’s final episode of “Saturday Night Live,” cast member Bowen Yang appeared at the “Weekend Update” desk dressed as one of the drones that have been sighted over the...
Martin Short kicked off his monologue for his fifth time hosting “Saturday Night Live” by joking that he had to get through it quickly, because “I have 10 sketches to get...
Tom Hanks opened the 2024 season finale of “Saturday Night Live” and could barely get a “hello” out of his mouth before the audience in Studio 8H went wild with excitement....
SPOILER WARNING: This story includes major plot details from Season 1, Episode 4 of “Creature Commandos,” currently streaming on Max. When James Gunn first introduced Weasel in the 2021 feature film...
SPOILER WARNING: This story includes plot developments of the series finale of “Star Trek: Lower Decks,” currently streaming on Paramount+. When “Star Trek: Lower Decks” premiered during the height of the...