‘Full Frontal with Samantha Bee’ Slams Sexist Reaction to SoDo Arena Vote

In a send up of the sexist response that the five female members of the Seattle city council got this month for being the five votes against the SoDo arena[1], TBS political comedy show Full Frontal with Samantha Bee broadcast a segment on—”those seaport loving ladies… the sweethearts of stevedores…the savers of shipping jobs…the Seattle Seawards…” …  The Seawards…Get it? C-word.

Bee, who also called out male chauvinists for not supporting the real Seattle professional basketball team, the Storm, introduced basketball’s newest starting five:

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Watch it: 

P.s. Can’t say we didn’t warn you. When PubliCola endorsed Herbold last year[2], we had this to say: “Oh, and she’s still suspicious of stadium deals. It’ll be good to have Herbold’s voice and fastidious fact-checking on council when the SoDo deal is placed back on the front burner. ‘I don’t think it’s a good deal. I think there’s still too much public money in it,’ Herbold says candidly.”


  1. ^ the five votes against the SoDo arena (feedproxy.google.com)
  2. ^ endorsed Herbold last year (feedproxy.google.com)

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