Universal’s Stunning Campus Upgrade Built to ‘Sustain the Next 100 Years,’ Comcast CEO Brian Roberts and NBCU Content Chief Donna Langley Say

Comcast CEO Brian Roberts carries with him a business philosophy from his late father, Ralph: “Whatever you set out to do, make sure you have and work with the finest,” Roberts says

This mantra applies to the fiberoptic cable Comcast has laid out across the country, the TLC poured into 30 Rockefeller Plaza after acquiring NBCUniversal in 2011 and, of course, the monumental Comcast Center erected in Philadelphia. But what about the Universal Studios lot? It’s the conglomerate’s oldest, most glamorous asset — home to the theme park, historic soundstages and increasingly limited bungalow space for Universal Pictures’ bounty of overall production deals (Jordan Peele, Amy Pascal, the Daniels, to

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