One year after Tokitae’s death, Lummi Nation and community honor the orca’s life

The community came together Sunday to pay respect to Tokitae, who died Aug. 18, 2023, after over 50 years in captivity.

FRIDAY HARBOR, Wash. — One year after Tokitae died in captivity those who were fighting for the orca’s release honored her legacy Sunday.

Tokitae was captured in 1970 by the Salish Sea Southern Resident Orca Community and sold to the Miami Seaquarium at around four years old. After her capture, the orca was held at the Seaquarium in Miami where federal officials found her health was declining in poor living conditions. 

Tokitae, also known by the Lumni Nation name, Sk’aliCh’elh-tenaut, and stage name Lolita,

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